In Autumn, too: Innerhofer fans rock Val Gardena/Gröden

Christof Innerhofer's fans secured themselves a hiking day in Val Gardena/Gröden with a double anniversary at last year's World Cup weekend on the Saslong. As expected, they had quite the celebration. In 2017, the fans of the downhill skier from the nearby Val Pusteria had two reasons to celebrate: it was the tenth birthday of the club and to celebrate this occasion, their idol achieved his best result in Val Gardena: he placed 5th in the downhill. That the fan club would win the fan club competition was almost a given at that point. It was their third victory after 2008 and 2009. Led by President Günther Niederkofler, the fan club counting 50 members met at the SoViSo Cafe for breakfast last Sunday, where they were served by former World Cup racer Lotte Nogler. Rainer Senoner, President of the Organizing Committee, welcomed the group and sent them together with board member Thomas Wielander and fan club supervisor Genni Tschurtschenthaler to the Chalet Raschötz. As at ski races in winter, the group was accompanied on the autumn excursion by a pair of Schuhplattler women and an accordion. That paired with the wonderful weather provided for the best ingredients for a wonderful day in the Dolomites. What the group around Innerhofer’s mom leaked already: the preparations for the fan festival 2018 are already underway.