Saslong Classic Club / Gardena - Gröden
Str. Dursan, 106  |  I - 39047 St. Cristina
Tel. +39 0471 793450
codice destinatario: MJ1OYNU
VAT Reg No: IT01657370217


The Saslong editorial team is ready


Everything is ready inVal Gardena/Gröden for the speed classics on the legendary Saslong. While the track is just getting the finishing touches for the upcoming training sessions and races, the Saslong editorial team has also kicked off its work.

The editorial team is on duty the whole week and feeds ski fans and journalists from all over the world with information about the race week in Val Gardena/Gröden. Whether at the team captains' meeting, the training sessions or the races themselves - the Saslong editorial team is always close at hand and reports in real time on what is happening on-site. Once again, the website serves as a reference for online reports, where all news and articles can be accessed. The wide range of information is supplemented by multimedia content that is uploaded to the social networks Facebook and Instagram.

Hannes Kröss, head of communications, is responsible for the editorial team and is heading the team for the first time this year. He is supported by Evi Hilpold, who as head of the press centre is responsible for the support of all media, and Alexia Demez, who is responsible for PR. They are supported by Monika Stuflesser, Lea Demetz and Isabell Rabanser.

Sara Valduga, Kathrin Dellago and Martin Straudi take care of the texts in Italian, English and German. Michael Mair am Tinkhof and Christian Plankl keep an eye on the social media, while Katharina Gräber handles the technical work in the background.

The photographers Robert Perathoner, Harald Wisthaler, Werner Dejori and Ivan Mahlknecht are responsible for the providing photographic material.