Who is Gardena/Gröden’s #bestFan?

Spectators are not allowed on the legendary South Tyrolean downhill course during this special year. Nevertheless, all ski fans have the opportunity to be up close and personal with the classics thanks to live TV broadcasts. And they can win great prizes at the same time.
As organizer of the Ski World Cup races in Val Gardena/Gröden, The Saslong Classic Club together with DOLOMITES Val Gardena are organizing the social media contest #bestFan this year. The most creative photos or videos will be published on social media and can also win great prizes. These include tickets for the 2021 World Cup races as well as a first prize of an overnight stay with entry to next year's speed competitions as the main prize.
Participation is free - and very simple. Interested participants first click "like" on the Facebook pages of „Val Gardena Gröden“ and „FIS Alpine Ski World Cup Gardena Gröden“, or "follow us" the Instagram pages dolomitesvalgardena skiworldcupvalgardena. After that, the contestants are shooting a video or snapping a photo of themselves watching the World Cup races in Val Gardena/Gröden at home. The Super-G will take place on Friday, 18 December, followed by the Downhill on Saturday, 19 December. Both races start at 11:45 am. The last step is to send the photo/video via Facebook, Instagram or by email to alexia.demez@saslong.org by 3 p.m. on December 19.
Afterwards, the jury, composed of two members of the Saslong Classic Club, two members of Dolomites Val Gardena and an accredited journalist, will evaluate the submitted artwork paying special attention to factors such as creativity, originality, quality of imagery and fun factor.
Further information and the rules can be found on www.saslong.org/en/media.